Vanessa is one of the UK’s knowledgeable crowd and event safety specialists.
A published author, Vanessa works with organisations to ensure a safety-first approach to developing successful events.
Vanessa has spent many years working with agencies and event organisers, advising, educating and implementing event safety. Having spent 30-years' in the police service, she worked in both rural and urban environments where her role also included Tutor Constable, First Aid and Personal Safety Trainer and a Countywide Major Incident Controller.
Vanessa worked as the Event Planner for events including airshows and a 4-day Christmas market with more than 250,000 visitors. She was also responsible for planning the policing arrangements for armed force's funerals, football matches and was a nationally accredited Public Order Tactical Advisor.
Alongside her police role, Vanessa worked with other agencies to promote event safety and was one of the original members responsible in the inception of Lincolnshire Event Safety Advisory Group (LESAG), now Lincolnshire Event Safety Partnership (LESP).
Vanessa works with and supports organisers of a wide range of events. She writes, reviews and quality assures event documentation and works as a safety advisor, crowd manager or control room manager at live events. She supports the debriefing of events and incidents, develops and delivers event safety training.
Vanessa also contributed to the publication ‘Events Project Management’ which was published in 2016 by Routledge.
Vanessa believes: “Events are good for communities, however, it is important they take place safely. Sharing knowledge and good practice ensures this is the case”.
Diploma in Event Safety Management, IOSH Safe Management at Live Events, IOSH General Risk Assessor, Certificate in Applied Health and Safety