Housing England


The Cabinet Office has today published the UK Government Resilience Framework, delivering on a commitment made in the 2021 Integrated Review.

The UK Government’s Resilience Framework is the first articulation of a new strategic approach to resilience. The Framework is a risk-agnostic plan to strengthen the systems, structures, and capabilities which underpin the UK’s resilience to all risks, including those which are yet to emerge.

The Framework sets out Government’s ambition to 2030, and work already underway includes: sharing the 2022 National Security Risk Assessment; developing an updated declassified, public-facing National Risk Register; and the appointment of  a Head of Resilience who will make the first annual statement to Parliament on civil contingency risk and resilience in 2023. A new sub-committee of the National Security Council will specifically consider issues relating to resilience.

In partnership with the Cabinet Office, EPC has already delivered on our commitment to synthesise lessons learned from major emergencies and make them publicly available, with the first Lessons Digest. The next issue will be published in early 2023.

The UK Government Resilience Framework focuses on how resilience can be built across six key thematic areas: Risk, Responsibilities and Accountability, Partnerships, Community, Investment and Skills. This will also include the forward planning for a National Exercise Programme and the establishment of a UK Resilience Academy.

The Framework reiterates the critical central role of EPC in delivering world class professional resilience training and exercising for the UK.

 The UK Resilience Academy will be built out from the Emergency Planning College, making world class professional training available to all that need it within a physical and virtual campus It aims to bring together a number of UK-Government affiliated learning and development providers sharing skills, expertise and powerful networks, for example, the UK Government Leadership College, the College for National Security, UK Defence Academy and the College of Policing.

EPC will build partnerships to develop a new strategic training and skills pathway to drive professionalism and support all those pursuing a career in resilience. Working with our Cabinet Office Resilience Directorate partners, we will begin engagement with the learning providers in early 2023. We will keep you informed and updated on our progress through the EPC website and wider media communications, as we move towards a launch of the UK Resilience Academy at the end of next year.

Download the UK Government Resilience Framework here