UK Resilience Lessons Digest Issue 3 Learning to Read Risks
‘Learning to Read Risks’ Issue 3 UK Resilience Lessons Digest

Issue 3 of the UK Resilience Lessons Digest series is out now and available to download:

UK Resilience Digest Issue 3: 'Learning to Read Risks'

The UK Resilience Lessons Digest is part of a programme of work at the Cabinet Office Emergency Planning College (EPC) to synthesise lessons learned from all major exercises and emergencies.

The Digest series has been designed to support our processes of learning lessons in three ways:

EPC UK resillience digest_summarise icon.png Summarising transferable lessons and themes from a wide range of relevant sources
EPC UK resillience digest_share icon.png Sharing lessons across responder organisations and wider resilience partners
EPC UK resillience digest_coordinate icon.png Coordinating knowledge to drive continual improvements in doctrine, standards, good practice, training and exercising

Strengthening whole-society resilience

A developed and shared understanding of the risks we face is vital for building and strengthening whole-society resilience. The primacy of this shared understanding is emphasised in the UK Government Resilience Framework.

It is also a key principle in the UK’s Joint Doctrine: The Interoperability Framework (JESIP), playing a fundamental role in the ability of responder organisations and wider resilience partners to work together as a matter of course in an emergency response. In fact, this collective understanding of risk provides a starting point of all resilience work – driving thought and action across the risk cycle as we anticipate, assess, prevent, prepare, respond and recover from emergencies. 

A global shift in our understanding of risk

The COVID-19 pandemic generated important lessons on how we might adapt our approach to the challenges we face and arguably created a global shift in our understanding of risk.

‘Learning to Read Risks’ considers common learning themes and transferable lessons on risk that can inform resilience activity in the here and now. Whilst challenging to accommodate, failing to summarise, share and coordinate these lessons might only perpetuate the risks associated with not addressing lessons, potentially allowing latent vulnerabilities to simmer under the surface until the next response is required.

Insightful resources & contributions

Issue 3 is packed full of articles, insights, case studies and resources. We are delighted to have guest contributions from:

  • The Royal Academy of Engineering
  • NHS Alder Hey Children’s Hospital in Liverpool
  • Emergency Management Victoria in Australia
  • PWC’s Crisis and Continuity Management team

Discover the full Lessons Digest series:

Lessons Digest Issue 1: Learning Together

EPC UK resillience digest cover design

Lessons Digest Issue 2: Learning in Action

UK Resilience Lessons Digest Issue 2