Marcus Oxley

Initially trained as a civil engineer, Marcus Oxley has twenty eight years operational experience in the strategic leadership, development and management of international development   / disaster management organizations across Africa, Asia and Europe,  with extensive experience in the design and implementation of disaster risk management and resilience policies and practices , together with an  excellent understanding of the linkages between  disasters, climate change, resilience and sustainable development. 

From 2007 - 2017 Marcus was the founding Executive Director of the Global Network of Civil Society Organisations for Disaster Reduction (GNDR) established to increase the effectiveness of civil society to work collaboratively, in partnership with relevant stakeholders, to reduce disaster risk and strengthen the resilience of communities and nations. 

In Jan 2018 Marcus established a consultancy practice offering holistic solutions to support people, organisations and governments to survive and thrive in a world defined by rapid change and disruptions.  With a Bachelors’ degree in Civil Engineering and a Masters’ degree in Project Management, Marcus has a collaborative leadership style, enjoys working in teams and is able to combine high-level strategic thinking with practical on the ground delivery. 

For over ten years to January 2018, Marcus was a Founding Executive Director - Global Network of Civil Society Organisations for Disaster Reduction (GNDR). During this time Marcus was involved with building a global secretariat supported by robust management systems, independent governance arrangements and a sustainable financial base. Civil Society representation to the United Nations, World Bank, OECD and European Commission. He developed strategic partnerships with civil society associations, public and private sector organisations.  Notable assignments included: UN expert advisory group for review of the HFA; Initiated “Views from the Frontline” global action to monitor local implementation of the Hyogo & Sendai Frameworks; Principal civil society interlocutor for the Sendai Framework; Coordinated inputs to SDG and WHS negotiations. In 2015 GNDR received a UN Sasaka Letter of Commendation for “an outstanding contribution to DRR”. 

Marcus spent six years up to 2007 as a member of the Senior Management Team at Tearfund (INGO) London and was responsible for planning and implementation of a diverse disaster management portfolio, including policy development and strengthening organisational and local partner capacities to design and implement DRR and climate adaptation action plans.  He undertook communication and representation duties with civil society, OECD donors, national governments, UN agencies and international organisations and had technical inputs to the formulation of Hyogo Framework. 

Whilst in the role of Emergencies Manager, CARE International (INGO)  Australia for two years Marcus had overall leadership and management of CARE’s operational programmes in post-disaster / conflict-affected countries across Asia, Europe (Balkans) and Pacific. Specific duties involved developing institutional policies and practices, strengthening corporate and partner operational capacities at all level, including securing financial and human resources - staff recruitment, rostering, training and development. 


  • Civil Society / NGOs Networks;  ADRRN; VOICE, CONCORD;  BOND Advisory Groups;  Climate Action Network Climate Adaptation Working Group 
  • World Bank:  GFDRR  Consultative Group (Governance Board); Community Resilience; Gender;  Climate Change Advisory Groups 
  • OECD:   Expert  Advisory  Group - Risk and Resilience 
  • United Nations:   UNISDR NGO Major Group;  UNV Resilience Expert Advisory Group;  UN Global Preparedness Partnership-  Technical Partner;  UN Global Compact Cities Programme - Urban Scholar.  
  • PEDRR :  Partnership for Environment and DRR